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How do you clean up a rusty kitchen knife? Use an emery sponge


Whether in the past or now, kitchen knives are essential kitchen utensils in every household. For those who cook often, a sharp kitchen knife is very crucial, especially in the case of cutting meat. But in our use of kitchen knives more and more often, have found that it has become not so sharp and shiny at the beginning? Rusty kitchen knives are very hurtful, if there is no sharpening stone at home how to solve these problems? In fact, it is very simple, just need to learn these methods on it, let's look down it.
Rusty kitchen knives.

A. Why do kitchen knives rust?

Most kitchen knives are made of iron, and the reason why iron rusts is still mainly due to contact with water, salt, oxygen and other substances. The main component of rust is iron tetraoxide, which can damage mucosal tissues and cause diseases such as chemical pneumonia if consumed over a long period of time. So in our use of kitchen knives such as iron products must be cleaned, dry moisture, so that it stays dry. to clean a rusty kitchen knife?

You can easily clean a rusty kitchen knife with just a single Enward Corundum Sponge. When using the Enward Corundum Sponge to clean rust from knives, simply dip the cleaning sponge in water and press the excess water dry, then gently wipe the rust from the knife to remove rust and other stubborn stains from the knife easily. The whole cleaning process, only need to use a small amount of water, no chemical detergent. Clean, environmentally friendly, no pollution.
Diamond Sponge to maintain the kitchen knife?

1. Wipe dry after use: our kitchen knives are cleaned after use, then contact with the moisture and will rust with iron, so we should remember to wipe dry the moisture after using the kitchen knife to keep it dry, so as to reduce the rust of the kitchen knife.

2. Scrub with ginger in the use of cleaning, you can prepare a piece of ginger, the two sides of the chopper to wipe, each corner do not miss, so that not only can prevent the chopper rust, there is the effect of sterilization.

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